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Surf Kindersurfschule - Vorupør

  • Pris ved 1 stk., 55,00EUR
On the Kids Surf course, we want to give children a safe and secure experience in the sea and waves. We start on land, where we talk to the children about techniques in a fun and playful way, and then we go into the water. On the Kids Surf course, each child must be accompanied by an adult (min. 18 years old), who must be in the water, to assist the child. The adult only assists, and does not surf. Our experience has taught us, that this is both a necessity and time/money well spent, for the child to have a enjoyable, first surfing experience. Get on board kids!
1 Tag á 2 Stunden
Mit dabei
Unterricht, Surfboard und Neoprenanzug – und Neoprenanzug für einen Erwachsenen pro Kind
Nimm mit
Handtücher und Badebekleidung
Jetzt Buchen
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All the necessary equipment, that you need, is included, on all our surf courses. And the same goes for a professional instructor, who is responsible for ensuring that you have a safe and good experience. The only thing you need to remember is swimwear and a towel! The meeting time is always 15 minutes before the start of the course. When you show up for a course, you check in at the shop, and from there, we then make sure that you get the right equipment and get started. The instructor starts each lesson by explaining the day's program and answering any questions and queries, that you might have.
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